It all starts here
The origins of the Ancient Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia are still in debate today, but the archaeological evidence we currently know indicates that by the fourth millennium B.C. they already had established around a dozen city states.
The first recorded use of crystals was by this ancient culture, who used crystals in their magical healing formulas, as the main material to create sculptures and depictions of their deities and for inlays in their finest artwork. Lapis Lazuli and Serpentine were a couple of their favorite stones.
The power behind the stone:
In ancient Egypt, crystals were used frequently in rituals, more commonly when burying the dead. It was believed that their energetic power guided them and helped them find their way in the afterlife.
The main stone that was used for its healing powers was Lapis Lazuli. Prized higher than gold, this stone was used to make offers to a teacher by his students upon the initiation into a mystery school or into priesthood. This gorgeous blue and gold stone represented the mastery of all consciousness. In Ancient Egypt burying a Lapis Lazuli carved in the shape of a scarab with their dead was a common practice, they believed it provided protection to their loved ones in the afterlife.
This stone was also ground and the powder was used as make-up. Other common stones used by this culture were Malachite and Garnet. Malachite was used both in jewelry and make-up. It was believed that this stone provided grounding energies and also helped to clear obstacles in life. An ancient talisman, Garnet was used for protection and to promote good health.
The stone of heaven
Crystals were (and still are) also used for healing in traditional Chinese Medicine, which dates back to at least 5000 years. Ancient healers commonly incorporated the use of healing crystals – including crystal-tipped needles used in acupuncture and Pranic healing sessions.
The most valued stone was Jade, which still holds its meaning and value today in modern chinese culture. Chinese culture considered jade to be a lucky stone. To them, it was known as “The Stone of Heaven.” Is so precious that there is a saying that goes, “gold is valuable while jade is priceless.” Jade symbolized prosperity, success, and good luck. It was also a symbol of renewal, longevity, and even immortality.
The Mayan Culture
Jade was incredibly important to the Mayans, taking on a great spiritual and religious significance. The stone's green colour lent it to associations with water and vegetation, and it was symbolically associated with life and death in the eyes of the Mayans.
The ancient Maya considered jade to be divine and therefore far more important than gold. The stone had much religious meaning and was used to make both artistic and sacred objects. Considered a protective stone, Jade was believed to keep the wearer from harm and bring harmony to their lives. It was the stone of the Gods.
Rulers were buried wearing jade death masks, enabling the lords of the underworld to recognize them and treat them with honor. Jade also meant religion in the ancient Maya civilization. There was a practice of putting a jade bead in a dead person's mouth. They also thought it was an object worthy of being used as a religious offering.